Liebster Award I.

I was given the Liebster Award by Dreams and Adventures at Cosy Cottage. The blog is about a woman’s quest for the good life. Who doesn’t want to read that? Clare writes about nature, chickens (!), environmental issues, plants and vegetable growing, travel, culture, history and spirituality. What is there not to like? Please check her blog out!


The Liebster Award is given to bloggers by other bloggers. The earliest case of the award goes as far back as 2011. ‘Liebster’ in German means sweetest, kindest, nicest, dearest, beloved, lovely, kind, pleasant, valued, cute, endearing, and welcome. The award is a way to be discovered but also to connect and support the blogging community.




The rules of the Liebster Award are (loosely):


  1. Acknowledge the blog which nominated you.
  2. Answer the questions your nominator asked.
  3. Nominate two to six other bloggers who might appreciate the boost.
  4. Ask them several unique questions.
  5. Let them know you have nominated them.



Clare’s Questions.

  1. What typically is the closest object on your right when you’re writing (not including a computer mouse)? I look at my right at I see the lamp on my bureau. Pretty boring? I am left handed, so to the left you’ll see an aroma lamp, a candle, a basket with notebooks, a cup of coffee, my phone, my knitting and more notebooks. I need to tidy!


  1. What one-sentence bit of advice would you give to your 13-year-old self? My dearest 13-year old Kacha, I would tell you to write to your aunt and to believe in yourself. When you don’t feel good, talk to somebody about it. Don’t doubt yourself so much and love yourself above every little thought that gets into your head.


  1. Describe your ideal writing space and place (assuming money isn’t an issue). My ideal place to live would be my ideal writing place too. I would love to live in a warmer climate, somewhere on the beach, have a small and quite place for me. With a dog.


  1. What is your most frequent photographic subject? That is going to be my dog. For now it’s pictures of Pierre and me. I like to make pictures of food, animals and colorful things or try to capture an atmosphere.


  1. Favorite quote? Everything popular is wrong. Oscar Wilde.


  1. What does blogging (writing, and reading) add to your life? A purpose, a sense of belonging, joy, the opportunity to share my views, an opportunity to connect. It gives me structure and joy, did I mentioned joy already?


  1. If you could choose to be any animal for a 24-hour period, which would you be and why? I would love to be a dog, big surprise there! A happy dog. I’m really curious how they think or how they live. Besides a dog I would like to be a wombat. I would put my shield up and sleep under the ground.


  1. Do you have other creative outlets besides writing? I like to paint, to cook, to knit and to crochet. I try to read and to do some yoga. I am a big music lover and I like to sing but I can’t very well. So I am more of a ‘singing when home alone’-type of person. I’m also very curious and am keen on discovering new things and theories (mostly psychology related) which I write about on my blog.



My Questions.

  1. If you had an intro music, what song would it be? Why?
  2. What is popular now but annoys you?
  3. If you opened a business, what kind of business would it be?
  4. Who in your life brings you the most joy?
  5. Where is the most beautiful place you have been?


My Nominees.

  1. Words from Adaria
  2. This Experi-‘Mental’ life
  3. BiPolarMania
  4. Still normal
  5. Lauravent69
  6. Overcoming OCD


I look forward to reading your answers!

19 thoughts on “Liebster Award I.

  1. Thank you for taking part, I loved your answers. 🙂 I hadn’t heard of that particular quote from Oscar Wilde but I can relate to it. I often wonder why I can’t get into certain current popular trends!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you, I had fun with your questions 🙂
      I don’t really know if he said it (although I can imagine it) but I found it on the internet, which can be an uncertain source of information.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. I was responding to your comment on my Lobster award and my wrist it something on my lap top and deleted both our comments lol I’m a walking circus!

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Hmm, these are some very interesting questions! I like how you specify a “happy dog” in your answer to #7. If you get a chance to have a wish granted, it pays to clear about what is important in its fulfillment. An additional bonus to the wombat option: they’re pretty tough!


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